Periodically, I look at the demographic chart that Google sends to me and I'm always amazed by who has stumbled upon my little piece of the blogosphere!
Now, don't panic. There isn't a map of your street, with a little arrow pointing to your house that says "this person right hither just read your blog". It's much more vague. It narrows it down to countries, states and sometimes cities.
What I'm dying to know is how international people ended up here. So, if you're from one of those other countries here on Planet Earth, I'd love to know what brought you to my blog.... and whether or not it was an accident. I'm itchin' to know what people in places like Germany, France, Australia, Canada, Russia and China clicked on to get here.
And as far as Latvia goes? Well, hello there! And welcome! I had to look up where you were in my atlas. (That kinda says something about the educational system here in the US, doesn't it?)
Operation Fattypants is going well. Fourteen pounds have disappeared. I still really want cake. I'm just not having any....and I'm a wee bit sad about that. Sniff! Sniff!
Food portion sizes are completely ridiculous these days. Some places serve eight times the normal serving of what we should be eating. That's 800% more than what we should eat. And a Bloomin Onion from the Outback is over 2500 calories? It was 70 calories prior to bloomin' it! No wonder we're such fatty-boom-a-lattys.
Even more frightening is the fact that I am so excited that I officially have relocated to a less crappy section on a BMI chart! I was doing the Forbidden Dance of Joy when I discovered this information.
Justin and I were sitting in bed on our iPads and I turned to him and said, all proud of myself, "Oh my gawd! I just checked my BMI and I'm not Obese anymore! Now I'm just Overweight!"
That there was a statement I never thought I would get excited about. I'm thrilled to be in a new division of fatness. (We are just full of action packed excitement over here.)
Speaking of losing stuff, would someone like to tell me where that sweet little baby of mine went to and who is this feisty-fresh little creature that was left behind in her place?!
Things I never thought I would hear Allie say:
"Calm down. You don't have to be loud."
"Go!" (said while pointing elsewhere)
"I don't like you any more."
"Don't you tell me what to do!" (hand on hip, shaking finger at me)
"You're a very cheeky mommy!"
"I'm not talking to you any more." (as she turns and stomps away....for three seconds)
"I love playing with my grandchildren."
Say what?
Of all of the things she says that make my eyebrows shoot half way up my forehead, that last one freaks me out the most. Her who? Grandchildren?!
Me: "You have grandchildren?"
Allie: "Yes. A boy and a girl."
Me: "Really? How old are they?"
Allie: "They are just babies. They are sooooooo cute."
When we ask their names, she usually gives us names that are probably popular in colonies on other planets like Mars or Saturn a hundred years from now. Today the grandchildren were named Tanah and Ramah. Nothing silly like Zingzong and Donkeykong. (I totally would've taken that route)
This would seem like a silly conversation if it wasn't for a conversation I had with a Nun when Allie was one day old. She walked into my hospital room, introduced herself, looked at Allie and said, "She has an old soul."
Granted, they are not strange words. You hear it all of the time. But for some reason, I thought it was shocking coming from a Nun. It almost implied reincarnation. I wasn't aware that the Nuns were into that these days. Those wild and crazy wives of God are going all New Age I guess.
The fact is that we often forget that Allie's only two. She's like a little grown up in a toddler body. The things she says to us just don't seem to match up with her age. When Justin asked her how she slept last night, her response was, "I slept well, thank you." My response to the same question? "Like crap." I'm not as polite and delightful in the morning.
When she tells us to "calm down", she says it in this low, soothing voice while touching my arm. In the moment, it really pisses me off, but when I think about it later, it seems very mature. Too mature. Freakishly mature.
What in the hell is she going to say to us when she's a teenager and we are REALLY bugging out about something? With all of the therapists and psychological knowledge in our families, I can see her getting all "Frasier Crane" on our crazy asses. We will keep her busy for quite some time. Probably into her NEXT lifetime.
What in the hell is she going to say to us when she's a teenager and we are REALLY bugging out about something? With all of the therapists and psychological knowledge in our families, I can see her getting all "Frasier Crane" on our crazy asses. We will keep her busy for quite some time. Probably into her NEXT lifetime.
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Dreaming of another lifetime...... |